Kamaelia AWS (amazon web services)
October 15, 2008 at 09:57 AM | categories: python, oldblog | View Comments
Many thanks to Ben Ford for the heads up and release of their code using kamaelia that accesses amazon web services. His blurb from the email:
And from the two links:Ben Ford wrote:
It's my first time using kamaelia so I'd love to hear any feedback on
I've set up a googlecode project with access to the code I've written
to interact with Amazon Web Services here: http://code.google.com/p/kamaelia-aws/.
I've set up source control here: http://freehg.org/u/ben/kamaelia-aws/.
the code. Feel free to use it, and let me know what you think.
Assuming no major issues, planning on that going in 0.7.0, due in mid november, mirror to trunk probably this weekend :-)This project came about when we needed to integrate SQS and S3 into our web application.
We have several components at varying levels of abstraction.
Components to handle passing json messages into and out of SQS
Components to upload to S3, download from S3 and delete from S3.