Drawing Kamaelia Systems?
June 28, 2008 at 12:29 AM | categories: python, oldblog | View Comments
Just been fiddling around with the idea of using the handwriting/gesture recognition code to allow the creation of kamaelia systems using an entirely pen driven approach. At first blush this does actually look like it could be a realistic proposition. The code that enables this in terms of proof of concept is *incredibly* hacky at present, but does seem, on a very basic level, to work. Using our packaging tools, I've packaged this up as an experimental release here:

However, it is an interesting start/proof of concept - it certainly is beginning to look like we will be able to literally draw software at some point in the future... Any feedback welcome. :-)
If you're curious about it and have python & pygame already installed, installation boils down to this:
~/tmp> tar zxvf Kamaelia-Scribble-N-Link-0.1.0.tar.gzRight at this instant all that application does is this:
~/tmp> cd Kamaelia-Scribble-N-Link-0.1.0/
~/tmp> sudo python setup.py install
- It will recognise strokes drawn that look like an "o" or a "u" and assume you want to "draw"/add a new unconfigured component
- Drawing a joined up "x" (ie curvy one like a "backward c going upwards, then forward c downwards") will delete the last component added
- Drawing a stroke from top left to bottom right will "switch on" the "makelink" mode.
- The link will start from the next link clicked - eg an outbox
- The link will terminate with the following link clicked - eg an inbox

However, it is an interesting start/proof of concept - it certainly is beginning to look like we will be able to literally draw software at some point in the future... Any feedback welcome. :-)