
November 21, 2007 at 10:07 PM | categories: python, oldblog | View Comments

So, I've been recommended to use "pitivi" a few times, so I figures, why not give it a go. Well, I'm running the latest version of open suse, just released, what can go wrong eh? So I download it. And then I start downloading the dependencies it asks me to install along the way. Then it finally starts. Then I get told I need to install another dependency (gnonlin). OK, grab that. And after all that then what? It then says that the version of gstreamer I've got is too old. I'm sorry, but at this point I'm giving up.

I mean we're talking over 2000 files from 7 archives already:
~> for d in pitivi-0.11.1 pygobject-2.14.0 pycairo-1.4.0 pygtk-2.12.0 gst-python-0.10.8 zope.interface-3.3.0 gnonlin-0.10.9; do (cd $d; find -type f) ;done|wc -l
I mean, that's around 3/4 million lines of code:
~> for d in pitivi-0.11.1 pygobject-2.14.0 pycairo-1.4.0 pygtk-2.12.0 gst-python-0.10.8 zope.interface-3.3.0 gnonlin-0.10.9; do (cd $d; find -type f)|( cd $d; while read file; do cat $file; done) ;done|wc -l

I guess I'll try t again the next time I upgrade my distribution.

I'd consider changing to Ubuntu, but the last 2 times I tried it, it just ended up being just way too annoying...

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