Compiled Kamaelia - A Mini Axon that compiles to C++ using Shed Skin (+ one minor piece of assistance)

February 22, 2007 at 03:16 PM | categories: python, oldblog | View Comments

Well, after getting a mini axon standing" compiling using shedskin yesterday, I've taken the next steps to see if we can get a full mini-axon system compiling. The good news is that, with 1 piece of manual assistance, we can! As a result I have here a compiled version of a mini-axon system.
Yes, you heard right - we have a compilable to executable version of Kamaelia thanks to shedskin.

First of all, what manual change do we need to make? Well, due to the fact we activate various microprocesses in the same way, we need to warn the C++ compiler of this fact, and help shedskin out a bit. The code shedskin creates that's problematic is this:

  • int scheduler::activateMicroprocess(lambda2 some_gen, microprocess *some_obj) {
        __iter<int> *microthread;

        microthread = some_gen(some_obj);
        return 0;

This is the fixed code:

  • template<class Klass>
    int scheduler::activateMicroprocess(__iter<int> *(*some_gen)(Klass *), Klass *some_obj) {
        __iter<int> *microthread;

        microthread = some_gen(some_obj);
        return 0;

A corresponding change occurs in the generated .hpp file as well. The resulting code then compiles cleanly and runs correctly :-) Yay!

The mini-axon code looks like this:

  • class microprocess:
        def __init__(self,name="hello"):
   = name
    def scheduler_main(zelf):
        result = 1 # force type of result to int
        for i in xrange(100):
            for current in
                yield 1
                    result =
                    if result is not -1:
                except StopIteration:

            # This shenanigans is needed to allow the type checker to understand
            # The various types in this function...
            for a in xrange(len(
            for b in zelf.newqueue:
            for c in xrange(len(zelf.newqueue)): zelf.newqueue.pop()

    class scheduler(microprocess):
        def __init__(self):
            # super(.... not supported)
   = []
            self.newqueue = []

        def activateMicroprocess(self, some_gen, some_obj):
            microthread = some_gen(some_obj)
    class component(microprocess):
        def __init__(self):
            self.boxes = { "inbox" : [], "outbox": [] }
        def send(self, value, outboxname):
        def recv(self, inboxname):
            result = self.boxes[inboxname][0]
            del self.boxes[inboxname][0]
            return result
        def dataReady(self, inboxname):
            return len(self.boxes[inboxname])
    def postman_main(zelf):
        while 1:
            yield 1
            if zelf.source.dataReady(zelf.sourcebox):
                d = zelf.source.recv(zelf.sourcebox)
                zelf.sink.send(d, zelf.sinkbox)

    class postman(microprocess):
        def __init__(self, source, sourcebox, sink, sinkbox):
            self.source = source
            self.sourcebox = sourcebox
            self.sink = sink
            self.sinkbox = sinkbox
    def Producer_main(zelf):
        while 1:
            yield 1
            zelf.send(zelf.message, "outbox")

    class Producer(component):
        def __init__(self, message):
            self.message = message
    def Consumer_main(zelf):
        count = 0
        while 1:
            yield 1
            count += 1 # This is to show our data is changing :-)
            if zelf.dataReady("inbox"):
                data = zelf.recv("inbox")
                print data, count

    class Consumer(component):
        def __init__(self):
    p = Producer("Hello World")
    c = Consumer()
    postie = postman(p, "outbox", c, "inbox")

    myscheduler = scheduler()

    MT = scheduler_main(myscheduler)
    for i in MT:

As you can see, this isn't really so very different from the usual code. (There's lots of sugar missing of course!)

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